The Pomodoro Technique- Use Time Management to Maximize your Productivity

We’re sure you’d agree that sitting down at your desk, getting your head down, & trying to study for the longest time hasn’t been the most productive way of studying. In fact, we argue it might not be productive at all. You don’t always want to study, maybe you don’t have a learning-inducing environment to study in, or maybe you just keep checking your phone every 2 minutes because what if someone texted you and you missed out? So on and so forth. As little as these stumbling blocks sound, they’re a lot more daunting in the long run.
That’s why we always advise you to curate a system for yourself and get everything arranged the right way before you study. You must ask, “But I don’t have the kind of time to put hours into setting a good environment every time I need to study!”, and Yes, you’re right, we agree!
That’s why in today’s article, we’ll take a look at the Famous ‘Pomodoro Technique’ used by Remarkable Scholars from around the world and peek into how you can use it for your own good. Students who actively use this method while studying with their Books For ICSE, Books For Class 12th, & Books For CBSE Class 12th- be it whatever Board you belong to, this system is perfectly suitable for you.
Best part? The system that we keep mentioning, that’s also part of this article, so stick around, don’t skim, and we assure you by the end, you’ll have a step-by-step plan as to how you should approach studying as a whole. After finishing reading, you’ll be able to study and maximize your Productivity from Today on! So what’s the wait? Let’s get started real quick.
Time-Management isn’t what you think it is
Time management is a necessary skill that we all need to master in order to achieve our goals and be productive. With the rise of digital distractions and the increasing demands on our time, it can be difficult to stay focused and make the most of our working hours.
This is why we suggest it’s a lot more than just managing your time- Time Management is all about managing yourself, your Priorities, and most importantly, Your Attention. Managing attention is the most beneficial of all considering how living in the age of Digital Distractions has already ruined our attention spans.
Some people like to keep track of their hourly work, others use Productivity apps to keep track of their to-do lists and do them by the hour. For instance, students who study using the best book for class 12 CBSE Board Exams, our Nageen Prakashan Collection preferably like to keep track of their progress in a journal for ease.
But even with the best books, these methods aren’t cookie-cutter schemes that’ll work on every single one of us. We’re all different. That’s where the Pomodoro Technique comes in – a time management tool that helps you break your workday into manageable chunks, increasing your productivity and reducing stress. Let’s now take a look at what exactly is the Pomodoro Technique.
What is The Pomodoro Technique?
Somewhere in the Late 1980s, Francesco Cirillo, a University Student developed one of the most popular productivity methods of today- The Pomodoro Technique. He had a slight issue with his attention span at the moment, so he took charge, and told himself he’ll only commit to 10 minutes per study session, and do multiple rounds of such 10-minute sessions.
You see, Pomodoro literally means ‘Tomato’ in Italian, because while using this technique, Cirillo took inspiration from the tomato-shaped clock he used to keep track of time in his first attempt toward the Pomodoro method.
After conducting some research and experiments, he came up with the fact that an average human can hold their attention for a maximum of 90 minutes. So, if you’re an ICSE Student trying to prepare for your Chemistry exam, you should attempt the Last 10 Years Icse Chemistry Question Papers to gain some clarity.
However, the underlying issue here was that the focus levels start dipping after the first 30 minutes of one sitting down to study. So he later elaborated this technique into a 25×5 square. Hence the method involves dividing your workday into 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros) and taking short breaks in between each Pomodoro. After 4 Pomodoros, you must take a 30-minute break to rejuvenate your Focus Levels.
Studies done by Researcher Jonathan Schooler reached the conclusion that an average human’s mind is subject to wandering around, wasting time on nothing, at least 15-20% of the time, which is A LOT! The Pomodoro Technique is notorious to leverage that fact and keep one’s focus intact for hours if done right. Let’s take a look at Pomodoro Technique and how you can use it step-by-step
Pomodoro Technique: Step-by-Step
The Pomodoro technique is known to work for people who are actively focused, as well as those with active bursts of energy & focus. By breaking your workday into shorter intervals, you can stay focused and motivated, avoiding any burnout. Here’s how to use the Pomodoro Technique Step-by-Step:
- Make a list of tasks you wish to complete throughout the day.
- Rank them based on priority. Pick the most suitable task first.
- Pull out your Clock, set a 25-minute Timer, & get to work.
- Once done, you must take a short break of 5 minutes. In these 5 minutes, you can look out the window, meditate, walk a little- anything but No Phones/Social Media!
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for four consecutive Pomodoros.
- After 4 Pomodoros, take a longer break of 30 minutes. Again, you can take a Nap, Scribble, and Stretch a little, but avoid social media. If you’re a beginner at this, you can use your phone for five minutes, but only if you set a timer & keep up with it.
- Based on your progress, you can switch to a new task, or continue where you left off.
In four 25×5 Pomodoros, You get more than an hour and a half of Focused, Productive work, while only taking a 20-minute break in total. This is life-changing if done right & consistently. ICSE Students should try attempting different sections of the Last 10 Years Question Papers Of Icse, one for each Pomodoro, although it’s indeed not so easy finishing in the given timeframe, it’s a challenge & you’ll improve your speed manifold!
The Pomodoro Technique is very flexible, so you need not hesitate if you wish to tweak around with the study or the break durations. For instance, if 25 minutes sound like nothing, you can make it 40 minutes, or less if that’s what you’re concerned about. If the breaks sound a little too little, make them 20 so you can recharge better.
At the end of the day, The Pomodoro Technique is all about focusing better & increasing productivity, so feel free to play around with it and make it your own! Students that study by themselves should pick up some good self-study books for Icse class 10, and perhaps find some good Mathematics Books For Class 10th ICSE. We have plenty of best-sellers available on our website. You’ll be needing both! For UP Board students, Nothing beats our Exam-Prep Friendly Nageen Prakashan Maths Book Class 10 UP Board. More help? Take a look at Nageen Prakashan Maths Book Class 10 Solutions!
Now let’s take a look at why the Pomodoro technique works so well-
Why are Pomodoros so effective?
The Pomodoro Technique is founded on the fundamentals of Time Management, Psychology, and Neuroscience. Let’s see why Pomodoros are so effective:
Focus: Going from 3-hour work sessions to just 25 minutes at a time can significantly impact your focus the right way. It’s true that you’ll be engaged in more than one such session, but the focus won’t dip until the 4th Pomodoro, and even then, you’ll take a relatively long break to rejuvenate that Focus. You can attempt CBSE Questions, ICSE Questions, & for Biology students- 12th Biology Questions in the given timeframe to improve your efficiency. It’s Magical! Here’s what Dr. Huberman, a well-recognized American Neuroscientist has to say about Focus.
Motivation: Doing multiple Pomodoros throughout the day is bound to instill a sense of Motivation inside you. You’ll experience ‘little wins’ every time you commit to a Pomodoro and get done with work. It will give you the motivation needed to keep going forward and repeating this method.
Time estimation: Those who keep track of their time will be benefited the most by using Pomodoros. This technique makes it so simple for you to figure out how much time it normally takes you to finish a task once done very often & kept track in a notepad or your Notion Dashboard (Click here to learn more about how you can use Notion & incorporate your progress digitally in your Notion Dashboard For FREE)
Stress reduction & Better Mood: With things starting to fall into place & life feeling a lot less of a chaotic burden, you’ll see how significantly that drops down your Stress levels. You can imagine how easy it would get when things go with the flow, and you’re able to solve your Previous Year Icse Question Papers, Class 10 Icse Question Bank, and everything
Building a Better Self-Image: If you evidently get done with most tasks that you promise yourself, hell, if you even put the effort toward getting work done as a beginner, it starts building a Better-Self image & esteem inside one’s mind. You’ll see how being focused, productive, motivated, relaxed, and best of all, happy with your progress you’ll be and how that really impacts the way you perceive yourself!
Improved Decision-Making: Once you get into your workflow, and you keep using the Pomodoros every day for a good couple of days or weeks, you’ll witness your decision-making skills getting better by the day. Because now you have a better understanding and a relationship with time. This way, you can also make better life decisions and be more calculative.
We’d like to point out that The Pomodoro Technique was primarily designed for everyone to make it their own. This is why it’s best if you take that into account and play around with the numbers, maybe up them a little or lower them (the break & work intervals), based on your personal preferences. So that was it for today’s article guys. Make sure to check out more informative articles For FREE on our website’s Blog Section, and improve your learning Today! See you at the next one.